CORS as the gatekeepers of the online world. They control and regulate the access to resources between different web domains, ensuring that only authorized domains can pass through. It’s like having guards at the borders of web domains, allowing safe resource sharing.

Before CSRF:

In the vast online realm, a powerful wizard, Website Wizard, and his trusted messenger, Browser Bird, were key players. Website Wizard ruled over the magical kingdom of “,” while the friendly dragon, Data Dragon, held court in the kingdom of “”

In those early days, websites were like grand castles, but with doors wide open. Anyone, even those without noble intentions, could stroll in without restraint. This created a significant issue, particularly in Data Dragon’s realm. Deep within the kingdom lay a vault with a secret button capable of transferring riches to any land when pressed. The intention was for this button to be used responsibly.

Browser Bird, Website Wizard’s faithful messenger, soared between these online kingdoms. However, there was a looming security concern. The online world lacked proper locks on its doors, allowing not only trusted messengers but any entity to enter and access resources freely.

Introduction of CSRF:

To address this vulnerability, the web’s wisest minds introduced CSRF, the Guardian Locks. This security measure was akin to placing locks and keys on castle doors. It ensured that only trusted messengers, possessing the correct keys (authentication tokens), could access and perform certain actions.

During CSRF Transition:

As Browser Bird continued its journeys between kingdoms, Website Wizard implemented CSRF. Special keys, akin to magical stamps, were dispatched with Browser Bird’s messages. These tokens acted as the keys to the kingdom, ensuring only those with the correct stamp could access specific resources. Without the correct stamp, Browser Bird found itself locked out, unable to deliver the message or access the resources.

After CSRF:

After the implementation of CSRF, the online world was transformed into a fortress of security. Browser Bird, the trusted messenger, now possessed the right keys (authentication tokens) to access the resources. Unauthorized messengers found themselves halted at the castle gates, unable to deliver messages or access resources without the proper stamps. The online realm became safer, ensuring that only those with the right authentication could perform essential actions, much like a well-guarded castle protecting its treasures.

So, with CSRF in place, it was like adding locks and keys to the doors, ensuring that only trusted messengers with the right keys (authentication tokens) could access certain resources. This made it much harder for unauthorized messengers to manipulate actions and access resources they weren’t supposed to, ensuring a more secure and orderly online realm.