You have many tasks to handle, such as answering emails, designing your website, front-end, back-end, testing, sales, marketing and managing your finances. It can become overwhelming to do everything by yourself, and it might take time away from the most important parts of your business, like creating and delivering your products or services.

So, “Delegate” means assigning some of these tasks to others who are capable and trustworthy. It could be hiring a resource, asking a friend for help, or even using tools and software to automate some tasks. This frees up your time and energy to focus on what you do best.

Outsource” is a bit like delegation but involves hiring professionals or companies to handle specific tasks or projects. For instance, you might hire a web designer to create your website or an accountant to manage your finances. Outsourcing can be a smart move because it lets experts handle tasks efficiently, often at a lower cost than doing it all on your own.

In essence, “Delegate and Outsource” means recognizing that you don’t have to do everything in your business alone. By getting help from others, you can be more productive, efficient, and focused on what matters most for your business’s success.