
In the vast landscape of software development, there’s a concept called “Event Sourcing” that might sound complex at first, but fear not! We’re here to break it down into plain and simple terms.

What is Event Sourcing

Imagine your software as a digital diary, documenting every event that occurs in its life. Each event, like an entry in a diary, becomes a record of your software’s journey. Event Sourcing is a way of recording and storing these events, allowing your software to remember not just its current state but also how it got there.

In Simple Words

Think of it like keeping a detailed diary of everything the user does in your app. Whether it’s adding a task to a to-do list or updating a profile picture, each action becomes an event. This recorded history allows developers to recreate and understand the application’s state at any given moment, offering a more comprehensive view of user interactions and system behavior.


Time Travel:

Event Sourcing lets you time-travel within your digital diary. Want to know what your to-do list looked like three days ago? No problem! You can replay the events and see exactly how it appeared at that time.

Better Debugging:

When something goes wrong, tracing the issue becomes easier with Event Sourcing. You can see the sequence of events leading up to the problem, helping you understand and fix it faster.


As your app diary grows, Event Sourcing scales with it. You can distribute events across different pages, making it a robust choice for large and complex applications.

How Event Sourcing Works

Event Creation:

Every action in your app triggers an event. Adding a task, completing it, or even changing a due date – each action generates an event.

Event Storage:

Events are stored in a sequence, forming a timeline of your app’s history. This sequence is your source of truth, containing all the information needed to reconstruct your app’s state at any given point.

Medium of Event Storage:

Events can be in various mediums, such as databases, messages, queues, or event logs. The choice of medium depends on your application’s needs and scalability requirements.

State Reconstruction:

To get the current state of your app, you replay the events from the beginning. This process of reconstructing the current state from past events is what makes Event Sourcing powerful.

Event Sourcing might seem like a complex character in the software world, but once you understand its role as a digital diary, it becomes a valuable tool for building resilient, scalable, and traceable applications. So, the next time you hear about Event Sourcing, remember – it’s all about capturing the events that shape your software’s journey.