Imagine you have a group of friends who love to share interesting stories with each other. They often meet up at a designated spot in the park to tell their tales. This spot in the park acts like a “Message Broker.”

Message Broker is like a central place or meeting point where friends can gather and share their stories. Instead of telling each story directly to each friend, they tell it to the “Message Broker,” and then the “Message Broker” makes sure that everyone who wants to hear the stories gets a copy.

Here’s how it works:


Your friends, who have interesting stories to share, are like the “producers” in Message Broker. They produce messages (their stories) and want to share them.

Message Broker:

The “Message Broker” is like a special gathering spot or message hub in the park. It’s a central system that stores all the stories, similar to a big bookshelf.


Other friends who want to hear the stories are like the “consumers” in Message Broker. They come to the “Message Broker” and listen to the stories that interest them.


Imagine your friends are interested in different types of stories - funny stories, adventure stories, and mystery stories. These are like different “topics” in Message Broker, where each type of story gets its own section on the bookshelf.


The “Message Broker” gathering spot can handle many friends at once. So, even if there are lots of storytellers or listeners, everyone can share or hear stories without any problem.


The stories shared in the “Message Broker” stay there for a while, so if someone comes late to the gathering, they can still listen to the stories that were shared earlier.

In a nutshell, Message Broker is a system that acts like a central hub for storing and sharing messages (stories) among different people (producers and consumers). It allows many storytellers to share their tales with many listeners efficiently, making sure that everyone gets the stories they want to hear without missing out on any exciting adventures!