
As we get into the productivity tools, I wanted to share a glimpse into my personal toolkit – the curated set of tools that have become integral to my daily workflow. Each one serves a unique purpose, offering not just efficiency, but a touch of personalization that resonates with my work style. Let’s take a closer look.


Tadama isn’t just a workflow timer for me; it’s my companion in relaxation. Its thoughtful features not only structure my work sessions but also contribute to my well-being. When it prompts short breaks, I take a moment to relax my eyes, stretch my legs, and return to my tasks rejuvenated. Tadama goes beyond time management; it promotes a healthy balance between work and self-care.


In the world of efficient time management, Pandan stands out as my go-to tool. Its unobtrusive approach aligns perfectly with my work philosophy. By subtly tracking my computer activity and offering gentle reminders, Pandan keeps me aware of time without disrupting my flow. It’s not just a time tracker; it’s a silent guide in my journey towards optimal productivity.


Boop is my Swiss Army Knife for all things text-related. As a developer, it’s my trusty companion when dealing with command line tasks. One window, one command – that’s all it takes to tackle various text operations. Boop is not just a tool; it’s an extension of my workflow, offering simplicity and power in a single package.


CopyClip has earned its place as my all-time savior. With its discreet operation from the menu bar, it becomes my memory bank, reminding me of every snippet of text I’ve copied. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that saves me from the hassle of digging through documents to find that crucial piece of information. CopyClip is more than a clipboard manager; it’s a reliable assistant in the chaos of multitasking.


Simplicity meets functionality with Checklist, a minimalistic tool designed to help you get things done. Create lists, check off tasks, and enjoy a clutter-free environment that fosters productivity. Checklist is all about providing a straightforward solution for those who value simplicity in their task management.


For those with a second monitor, Magnet is a game-changer. It effortlessly arranges windows, saving precious screen real estate. This tool has become my space-saving solution, enhancing the organization of my workspace. It’s a subtle but impactful addition that complements my dual-monitor setup seamlessly.

These tools aren’t just icons on my screen; they’re personalized assistants, tailored to my preferences and work habits. Tadama brings relaxation, Pandan ensures time mastery, Boop simplifies operations, CopyClip is a constant reminder, Checklist is a minimalist task management and Magnet optimizes my dual-monitor experience. Together, they form a symphony of productivity, turning the daily grind into a harmonious and efficient journey. I invite you to explore these tools, find your own rhythm, and experience the transformative power they can bring to your workday.