In the sunny town of Sundaeville, “Sweet Scoops” was the go-to spot for ice cream lovers. A line formed outside, just like a queue. The rule was simple: first in line got served first. Scoopie the server worked diligently, scooping ice cream for the person at the front. As each person got their delicious treat, the line moved ahead. No one could jump ahead; it was all about fairness. Ensuring that everyone got their turn to enjoy a scoop of happiness. Just like a queue, the order mattered, and it made the day sweeter for everyone.


Enqueue and Dequeue:

  • Enqueue: Enqueue is like people joining the line at “Sweet Scoops.” As each person arrives, they add themselves to the end of the line, waiting their turn for ice cream.

  • Dequeue: Dequeue is when Scoopie the server serves the person at the front of the line. That lucky person gets their ice cream and leaves the line. This is similar to removing the first person from the queue.

Empty Queue:

There are times when no one is in line at Sweet Scoops. This is an empty queue, and Scoopie can take a little break until more ice cream enthusiasts arrive.

Queue Capacity:

Imagine Sweet Scoops has limited ice cream cones for the day. Once they reach their maximum capacity, no more people can join the line until some ice cream cones are served and the queue has room for more.

Circular Queue:

Suppose Sweet Scoops has a special feature. When the line reaches the end, it doesn’t stop there. It continues from the beginning, creating a circle of ice cream enthusiasts. This is a bit like a carousel ride, where you never run out of fun.

Priority Queue:

In this scenario, each person in line has a different level of ice cream urgency. Some may have high priorities (urgent cravings), while others can wait a bit longer. Scoopie serves those with the highest priority (most urgent) first.

Blocking Queue:

At times, the queue can be so long that it extends beyond Sweet Scoops’ door. When this happens, the line blocks the entrance. Newcomers must wait outside until someone gets their ice cream and leaves, creating a temporary blockage.

Double-Ended Queue (Deque):

Picture a special queue at Sweet Scoops where people can join the line from the front or the back. Scoopie serves ice cream to both the person at the front and the one at the back simultaneously, creating a flexible queue.

By using the ice cream story, we can illustrate these queue concepts in a fun and relatable way, helping to understand how queues can be applied and adapted for various scenarios.