The team once again gathered with the KANO model in their hearts and RICE Scoring as their guiding star, they embarked on a journey to ensure that “The Enchanted App” would sparkle with enchantment, one feature at a time.


First, the team looked at how many people a particular feature would impact. For instance, a “Wish History” feature would touch every user, so it had a high reach. They imagined it spreading like wildfire across Techtown.


Next, they gauged the impact a feature would have on the users. For example, a “Customized Wish Themes” feature would make users smile but not necessarily transform their experience. So, it had moderate impact.


They also considered how certain they were about their estimates. Some features were crystal clear, like “Grant a Wish,” but others, like “Wish Ranking,” had some uncertainty due to the complexity. So, it got a confidence rating.


Lastly, they thought about how much effort it would take to bring a feature to life. Simpler features, like “User Profile Setup,” required less effort compared to more intricate ones, like “Wish Integration with Other Apps.”

With these four factors in mind, they cast their RICE spell, assigning a score to each feature:

RICE Score = (Reach x Impact x Confidence) / Effort

The higher the RICE score, the more enchanting the feature appeared. Features with high scores, like “Wish History,” moved to the forefront, ready to be brought to life, while those with lower scores patiently waited for their moment to shine.

RICE Scoring became a guiding star in Techtown, helping the team focus on the most magical features, ensuring that “The Enchanted App” would truly enchant its users, one wish at a time.