Competitive Pricing

As entrepreneurs, adopting a competitive pricing strategy means setting prices for our products or services that are influenced by what our competitors are charging. This perspective is often driven by the desire to gain a foothold in the market, attract customers, and establish our brand. Here’s how competitive pricing might look from an entrepreneur’s viewpoint:

Market Entry:

We’re new players in our industry or market, and we need to grab the attention of potential customers quickly. Offering competitive prices can be a way to break into the market and get noticed.

Customer Acquisition:

We understand that price is a significant factor for many customers, especially when they’re choosing between established businesses and newcomers like us. By offering lower prices or matching our competitors, we aim to win over cost-conscious customers.

Building Reputation:

We view competitive pricing as a means to build an initial customer base and earn a reputation for delivering value. Over time, we hope to leverage this reputation for growth and expansion.

Market Research:

We closely monitor our competitors’ pricing strategies and adjust our prices accordingly. This competitive vigilance helps us stay in tune with market trends and customer expectations.

Short-Term Goals:

Our primary focus may be on short-term gains, such as achieving quick revenue growth, or reaching specific sales targets. Competitive pricing supports these immediate objectives.

(F)Actual Pricing

Shifting to actual pricing means setting our prices based on our real costs, desired profit margins, and financial sustainability. This perspective is more about ensuring our business’s long-term health and profitability. Here’s how actual pricing might be viewed from an entrepreneur’s standpoint:

Profit Sustainability:

We recognize that our business needs to be financially sustainable in the long run. This means setting prices that not only cover our costs but also generate the profits required to reinvest in the business, fuel growth, and secure its future.

Quality and Value:

We believe in delivering high-quality products or services, and we know that maintaining quality requires adequate resources. Actual pricing allows us to invest in the resources, talent, and technology needed to provide value to our customers.

Brand Image:

We want our brand to be associated with excellence and reliability. Setting prices based on our actual costs helps us maintain the integrity of our brand by avoiding compromises on quality or customer service.


We see pricing as an opportunity to differentiate our business. While we may not always be the cheapest option, we aim to stand out by offering unique features, outstanding customer support, or superior product quality.

Long-Term Growth:

Our focus extends beyond immediate gains. We’re committed to building a sustainable business that can thrive for years to come. Actual pricing supports this goal by ensuring our financial stability and enabling us to make strategic investments.

In summary, the choice between competitive pricing and actual pricing depends on an entrepreneur’s goals, priorities, and stage of business development. While competitive pricing may be a useful strategy for market entry and rapid customer acquisition, actual pricing is often necessary for long-term sustainability, maintaining quality, and achieving lasting success. Entrepreneurs may also employ a mix of both strategies based on specific circumstances and market conditions.