Before SQL Injection:

In the realm of online commerce, Website Wizard, the trusted merchant, had a kingdom’s worth of precious goods in his database. This database was like a treasure chest filled with products and their prices. To retrieve the price of a magical potion, one needed to speak the right words to the database, like a spell.

However, a nefarious character, the “Query Quirky,” lurked in the shadows. This rogue knew a secret: if you didn’t guard your spells well, he could tamper with them. For instance, if you asked for the price of a potion, the Query Quirky might change your request so that it revealed the price of the most valuable treasure instead.

Customers, unaware of this devious magic, could be tricked into buying a priceless artifact at the cost of a simple potion. This trickery threatened Website Wizard’s reputation and the harmony of the online marketplace.

Introduction of SQL Injection:

To thwart this threat, Website Wizard turned to the Cyber Guardians, experts in security. They introduced SQL Injection Protection, a powerful guardian, to secure the database against the Query Quirky’s manipulations.

SQL Injection Protection acted like a diligent bouncer at the entrance of a grand ball. Every guest (or SQL query) had to pass scrutiny. If someone tried to sneak in with a disguise (malicious SQL code), the bouncer detected it and immediately cast them out.

After SQL Injection:

With SQL Injection Protection in place, the online marketplace became a safer haven. Customers could request prices without fear of deceitful manipulations. When they asked for a potion’s price, the database answered with the correct price, and the treasures remained untouched.

SQL Injection Protection guards the database, shielding it from malicious manipulations and maintaining trust and integrity in online transactions.