Before XSS:

In our online world, Website Wizard, Browser Bird, and Data Dragon coexisted in their respective kingdoms, “” and “” These realms were known for their resourceful exchange of messages and treasures.

However, a new threat emerged in this enchanting world – a mischievous imp named “Scripting Sprite.” The Scripting Sprite had the power to plant secret messages, like hidden spells, in the online pages of Website Wizard’s kingdom. These hidden spells could be unleashed when a user visited a page, causing unexpected and potentially dangerous actions.

Introduction of XSS:

To protect against the Scripting Sprite’s antics, Website Wizard turned to the Web Protectors for help. They introduced XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Shield, a magical barrier, to safeguard against hidden spells. This shield acted like a protective ward, ensuring that only trustworthy messages and spells could enter the online pages.

During XSS Transition:

As Website Wizard continued sending messages through Browser Bird, the XSS Shield automatically checked every message. It was like having a vigilant guardian who inspected the messages for hidden spells. If any suspicious spells were found, the XSS Shield would neutralize them, ensuring that they couldn’t harm the kingdom’s users.

After XSS:

With the XSS Shield in place, the online world became more secure. Website Wizard, Browser Bird, and Data Dragon could continue their resourceful exchanges without worrying about hidden spells causing trouble. The online realm was protected from the Scripting Sprite’s mischief, ensuring a safe and enjoyable online experience for all.

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) protection acts as a shield against hidden, potentially harmful scripts that could be injected into web pages, and it keeps the online world safe from such threats.